Important of credit In Motor Insurance Singapore

3 min read

Having credit is like having the assurance that you always pay for everything on time. Having a credit will help one always in increase the loan amount that the banks are willing to finance for your loans. This will also improve credit with the bankers as paying higher amounts on loans will make the bankers very happy. If you are not having credit with bankers means that you can also get direct auto insurance with no credit check. The more down payments you can get for the car this might make the bankers look forward to getting the bank to finance the loan.

A bad credit score can damage the chances of getting cheap auto insurance with bad credit in the future. However, there would be changes when you have to approach a bank for a loan, especially a car loan, even if you have a bad credit score. Sometimes, insurance companies might refuse to insure your car when you have a bad credit score.

Eligibility For Zero Down Payment Insurance

If a person would get zero down payment insurance or not depends entirely on the amount of risk that is involved with the vehicle. No company would want to give zero down payment insurance to a car whose repair cost is very high. This is why it is harder for the owners of luxury cars to get these insurances. The driving history of the driver is also taken into account while giving zero down payment insurance, as a driver with a bad record is more likely to get into an accident than a person with a good record. Car loans help you get a car with a nominal down payment and monthly installments.

Motor Insurance


Every online method has an added advantage of convenience, and to add to that, and banks nowadays offer discounts for motor insurance Singapore paid via online mediums. Your credit score gains a boost when timely payments are set to be paid from your accounts directly. This means not having to keep a track of your insurance due dates and having to make separate schedules for the same.  Usage of online mediums also helps you to save more of the innocent trees being slaughtered for paper.

Because you cannot insure your car in someone else name. It is better to make the insurance in your name only. So you need to understand the aspects of the insurance agents and discuss your matter clearly with the agent.

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